The scientific name of the Plains Bison (Bison bison bison) along with the Harlequin Duck ( Histrionicus histrionicus), Fallow Deer ( Dama dama), Roe Deer ( Capreolus capreolus), Red Fox ( Vulpes vulpes), Axis Deer ( Axis axis), Moose ( Acles acles), Greylag Goose ( Anser anser), Willow Ptarmigan ( Lagopus lagopus), and the Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx) is a tautonym: a scientific name in which both parts of the name have the same spelling.A "red dog" refers to a baby Plains Bison.The Plains Bison is also the official State Animal of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.An example of this is The University of Colorado's "Ralphie" a live Bison Mascot who rushes into Folsom Field at the beginning of every Football Game.
The American Buffalo has become one of the many Icons of the country, being integrated into the culture of the US. So much so, that they are sometimes called "pte oyate" or 'Buffalo Nation'. The Lakota People share a unique relationship with the Plains Bison. 'Buffalo' get their name from the French fur trappers of America who called them "boeuf" meaning beef. The Plains Bison is one of two species of bison in the game, the other one being the European Bison, which can be found at the Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve. so close to diamond haha, man its a pain to get them, I got 947 on an Elk. It can be hunted in Yukon Valley and in the Silver Ridge Peaks Reserve. I was actually hunting Red Deer, but needed a gold bison & gold boar for the. As such, hunters should be especially cautious when hunting one." ― In-Game Description It is not uncommon to see a bison stand its ground against predators. Their massive size, strength, and gregarious lifestyle protects mature bison from most predators, but wolves and bears sometimes hunt young, isolated or weakened individuals. Plains bison are massive animals with mature adults measuring up to 185.00 m at the shoulder and weighing on average between 400.00 kg and 1000.00 kg. Compared to their forest-dwelling European cousins, plains bison are heavier, stronger, and more territorial.
European Bison in polish is known as Żubr." The plains bison, sometimes called "buffalo", is one of the two subspecies of the American bison, the biggest land mammal of North America.The name 'Bison' is Latin in origin and means, "Wild Ox".